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. Various Philips Heartstart Defibrillators - Technical Reference Manual free download

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P O W E R TO SAV E A L I F E D E F I B R I L L AT O R S HEARTSTART AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS TECHNICAL REFERENCE MANUAL Edition 3 Introductory Note In 1992, Heartstream, Inc. was founded with the mission to develop a small, low-cost, rugged, reliable, safe, easy-to-use, and maintenance-free automated external defibrillator (AED) that could be successfully used by a layperson responding to sudden cardiac arrest. Heartstream introduced its first AED, the ForeRunner, in 1996. The Heartstream ForeRunner AED marked the first widespread commercial use of a biphasic waveform in an external defibrillator. Hewlett-Packard (HP) purchased Heartstream in 1997. Heartstream then added a relabeled version of the ForeRunner for Laerdal Medical Corporation called the Heartstart FR. In 1999, Hewlett-Packard spun off the Medical Products Group, including the Heartstream Operation, into Agilent Technologies. While part of Agilent, Heartstream introduced a new AED, the Agilent Heartstream FR2. Laerdal Medical marketed this device as the Laerdal Heartstart FR2. Heartstream became part of Philips Medical Systems in 2001 when Philips purchased the entire Medical Group from Agilent Technologies. In 2002, Philips re-branded all of their defibrillators as HeartStart Defibrillators. In the same year, Philips introduced a new family of defibrillators, including the HeartStart Home and HeartStart OnSite AEDs. This manual is intended to provide technical and product information that generally applies to the following AEDs: ForeRunner and FR AEDs: Heartstream ForeRunner Laerdal Heartstart FR FR2 series AEDs: Agilent Technologies FR2 Laerdal Heartstart FR2 Philips HeartStart FR2+ Laerdal Heartstart FR2+ HS1 family of AEDs: Philips HeartStart OnSite Laerdal HeartStart Philips HeartStart Home Philips M edic al Sys tems To help simplify the information presented, the HeartStart FR2 is used as an example in many parts of this manual. Where the discussion involves features related to a specific product, it is so noted. CONTENTS 1 HeartStart Automated External Defibrillators Design Philosophy for HeartStart AEDs ... 1-1 Design Features of HeartStart AEDs ... 1-2 Reliability and Safety ... 1-2 Ease of Use ... 1-3 No Maint

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